
Genres: science fiction
Themes: idols, mecha, music
Plot Summary: At the start of the 21st century, an interplanetary war broke out. Earth's ecosystem was damaged, and humanity was forced to flee the planet. In this new society, things that "disturb the heart" like music and art are forbidden. 48 years later, a legendary idol group is resurrected as AKB0048. Labeled as terrorists, they must take up arms to defend their careers and their fans.
Vintage: 2012-04-29
Opening Theme:
"Kibou ni Tsuite" by No Name
Ending Theme:
"Yume wa Nando Demo Umarekawaru" by No Name
Insert song:
"Aitakatta" (会いたかった) by AKB48 (ep 1)
"AKB Sanjou!" (AKB参上!) by AKB48 (ep 2)
"Beginner" by AKB48 (ep 3)
"Heavy Rotation" (ヘビーローテーション) By AKB48 (ep 4)
"Shonichi" (初日) by AKB48 (ep 4)
"Shoujotachi Yo" (少女たちよ) by AK48 (ep 1)
Official website:

Subtitle Oleh [CyberCropz].blogspot

AKB0048 Episode 04 [Subtitle Indonesia]

AKB0048 Episode 05 [Subtitle Indonesia]
MF : [480p] | [720p]

AKB0048 Episode 06 [Subtitle Indonesia]
 MF : [480p] | [720p]

AKB0048 Episode 07 [Subtitle Indonesia]
MF : [480p] | [720p]

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